
This week, we started working with audio in our game! For this update, I added about 9 new sounds!

  1. "opening the door"
    1. I created this sound by recording myself opening a door. I really wanted to get a squeaky sound, but the hinges did not comply. This meant I relied more on simply the sound of the handle, which I still like.
  2. "the door is locked”
    1. I created this sound by recording myself jiggling a locked door handle. I originally recorded a much longer piece of audio as I wanted it to sound frantic, but it ended up being much too long for these purposes.
  3. "picking up the key" 
    1. I created this sound by recording myself picking up a large amount of jewelry and setting it down. I wanted the key to sound big and clanky.
  4. "checkpoint"
    1. I created this sound using BFXR. I wanted it to sound more triumphant so that the player would feel proud of theirself for reaching it.
  5. "you died"
    1. I created this sound using BFXR. I was inspired by the sound effect for the bite in Five Nights at Freddy’s 4. The sound it just so harsh and definite that it would clearly show a death to the player.
  6. "moving platform"
    1. I got this sound from Pixabay. I wanted a mechanical sound that made it feel like the platform was really working to be able to move.
  7. "falling platform"
    1. I got these sounds from Pixabay. I wanted the player to be able to hear that the 
  8. “Lava Ambience”
    1. I added background audio for the room with lava. I got this sound from Pixabay. This allows the player to know that there is lava without having seen it.
  9. “Spotlight Ambience”
    1. I added background audio for the room with the cheese and the camera. I got this sound from Pixabay. It is supposed to reflect the sound of a spotlight. My intention was for it to be a little unnerving and uncomfortable.

I also added a checkpoint and a key that is required to open the door!

Files 995 MB
Sep 07, 2024

Get Game Design 1

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